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Articles (5 results)
Title Journal Author(s) Aniseed Data PMID/DOI
Temporal expression patterns of 39 Brachyury-downstream genes associated with notochord formation in the Ciona intestinalis embryo. Dev. Growth Differ. 1999; 41; 6:657-64 Hotta K, Takahashi H, Erives A, Levine M, Satoh N
Microarray analysis of localization of maternal transcripts in eggs and early embryos of the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis. Dev. Biol. 2005; 284; 2:536-50 Yamada L, Kobayashi K, Satou Y, Satoh N
Dynamic redistribution of vasa homolog and exclusion of somatic cell determinants during germ cell specification in Ciona intestinalis. Development 2006; 133; 14:2683-93 Shirae-Kurabayashi M, Nishikata T, Takamura K, Tanaka K, Nakamoto C, Nakamura A
Embryonic expression profiles and conserved localization mechanisms of pem/postplasmic mRNAs of two species of ascidian, Ciona intestinalis and Ciona savignyi. Dev. Biol. 2006; 296; 2:524-36 Yamada L
Regulation of notochord-specific expression of Ci-Bra downstream genes in Ciona intestinalis embryos. Zool. Sci. 2010; 27; 2:110-8 Takahashi H, Hotta K, Takagi C, Ueno N, Satoh N, Shoguchi E