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Articles (11 results)
Title Journal Author(s) Aniseed Data PMID/DOI
Nodal regulates neural tube formation in the Ciona intestinalis embryo. Dev. Genes Evol. 2007; 217; 8:593-601 Mita K, Fujiwara S
Differential gene expression along the animal-vegetal axis in the ascidian embryo is maintained by a dual functional protein Foxd. PLoS Genet. 2017; 13; 5:e1006741 Tokuhiro S, Tokuoka M, Kobayashi K, Kubo A, Oda-Ishii I, Satou Y
Novel genes involved in canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway in early Ciona intestinalis embryos. Dev. Growth Differ. 2008; 50; 4:215-27 Wada S, Hamada M, Kobayashi K, Satoh N
Gene expression profiles of transcription factors and signaling molecules in the ascidian embryo: towards a comprehensive understanding of gene networks. Development 2004; 131; 16:4047-58 Imai K, Hino K, Yagi K, Satoh N, Satou Y
Transcriptional regulation of ZicL in the Ciona intestinalis embryo. Dev. Genes Evol. 2006; 216; 10:597-605 Anno C, Satou A, Fujiwara S
Regulatory blueprint for a chordate embryo. Science 2006; 312; 5777:1183-7 Imai K, Levine M, Satoh N, Satou Y
Trunk lateral cells are neural crest-like cells in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis: insights into the ancestry and evolution of the neural crest. Dev. Biol. 2008; 324; 1:152-60 Jeffery W, Chiba T, Krajka F, Deyts C, Satoh N, Joly J
Gene regulatory networks underlying the compartmentalization of the Ciona central nervous system. Development 2009; 136; 2:285-93 Imai K, Stolfi A, Levine M, Satou Y
Spatio-temporal intersection of Lhx3 and Tbx6 defines the cardiac field through synergistic activation of Mesp. Dev. Biol. 2009; 328; 2:552-60 Christiaen L, Stolfi A, Davidson B, Levine M
A combinatorial code of maternal GATA, Ets and beta-catenin-TCF transcription factors specifies and patterns the early ascidian ectoderm. Development 2007; 134; 22:4023-32 Rothbächer U, Bertrand V, Lamy C, Lemaire P
Ci-Rga, a gene encoding an MtN3/saliva family transmembrane protein, is essential for tissue differentiation during embryogenesis of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Differentiation 2005; 73; 7:364-76 Hamada M, Wada S, Kobayashi K, Satoh N