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Articles (4 results)
Title Journal Author(s) Aniseed Data PMID/DOI
An otx/nodal regulatory signature for posterior neural development in ascidians. PLoS Genet. 2014; 10; 8:e1004548 Roure A, Lemaire P, Darras S
Snail mediates medial-lateral patterning of the ascidian neural plate. Dev. Biol. 2015; 403; 2:172-9 Hudson C, Sirour C, Yasuo H
The pre-vertebrate origins of neurogenic placodes. Nature 2015; 524; 7566:462-5 Abitua P, Gainous T, Kaczmarczyk A, Winchell C, Hudson C, Kamata K, Nakagawa M, Tsuda M, Kusakabe T, Levine M
Differential gene expression in notochord and nerve cord fate segregation in the Ciona intestinalis embryo. Genesis 2013; 51; 9:647-59 Kobayashi K, Yamada L, Satou Y, Satoh N