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  1. Gene 'Phmamm.CG.MTP2014.S3...'

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Genoscope Yasuo Villefranche

20 results


Plate: Plate_34_E19


Plate: Plate_34_H05


Plate: Plate_36_C02


Plate: Plate_39_J04


Plate: Plate_77_D17


Plate: Plate_110_E04


Plate: Plate_114_H18


Plate: Plate_116_B10


Plate: Plate_126_D21


Plate: Plate_146_P17


Plate: Plate_84_B13


Plate: Plate_159_G12


Plate: Plate_173_J12


Plate: Plate_175_K23


Plate: Plate_188_H09


Plate: Plate_209_I16


Plate: Plate_256_K02


Plate: Plate_263_I23


Plate: Plate_266_J15


Plate: Plate_39_J02

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Gene Phylogeny

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Gene Annotations


2 results

IPR Term Analysis Definition
ATP_synth_F0_suB PANTHER ATP synthase, F0 complex, subunit B
ATP_synth_Bsub_B/MI25 Pfam ATP synthase, F0 complex, subunit B/MI25


23 results

GO Term Annotation Origin Type
protein binding Orthology molecular function
nucleus Orthology cellular component
nucleoplasm Orthology cellular component
mitochondrion Orthology cellular component
mitochondrial inner membrane Orthology cellular component
mitochondrial matrix Orthology cellular component
ion transport Orthology biological process
membrane Orthology cellular component
integral component of membrane Orthology cellular component
myelin sheath Orthology cellular component
extracellular exosome Orthology cellular component
membrane part Orthology cellular component
macromolecular complex Orthology cellular component
phosphate-containing compound metabolic process Orthology biological process
transmembrane transport Orthology biological process
monovalent inorganic cation transport Orthology biological process
nucleoside-triphosphatase activity Orthology molecular function
membrane organization Orthology biological process
organelle organization Orthology biological process
phosphorylation Orthology biological process
intracellular transport Orthology biological process
intracellular part Orthology cellular component
cation transport Orthology biological process

GO (Orthology)

23 results

GO Term SpeciesCe = Caenorhabditis elegans
Dr = Danio rerio
Dm = Drosophila melanogaster
Gg = Gallus gallus
Hs = Homo sapiens
Mm = Mus musculus
Sc = Saccharomyces cerevisiae
mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor F(o) Hs cellular component
protein binding Hs molecular function
nucleus Hs cellular component
nucleoplasm Hs cellular component
mitochondrion Hs cellular component
mitochondrial inner membrane Hs cellular component
mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex Hs cellular component
mitochondrial matrix Hs cellular component
ATP biosynthetic process Hs biological process
ion transport Hs biological process
hydrogen ion transmembrane transporter activity Hs molecular function
ATP synthesis coupled proton transport Hs biological process
membrane Hs cellular component
integral component of membrane Hs cellular component
ATPase activity Hs molecular function
transmembrane transporter activity Hs molecular function
cristae formation Hs biological process
mitochondrial ATP synthesis coupled proton transport Hs biological process
myelin sheath Hs cellular component
proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor F(o) Hs cellular component
proton-transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism Hs molecular function
extracellular exosome Hs cellular component
ATP hydrolysis coupled cation transmembrane transport Hs biological process

GO (Blast)

17 results

GO Term SpeciesCe = Caenorhabditis elegans
Dr = Danio rerio
Dm = Drosophila melanogaster
Gg = Gallus gallus
Hs = Homo sapiens
Mm = Mus musculus
Sc = Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Type Score E-value
mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor F(o) Hs cellular component 128 2.36e-36
protein binding Hs molecular function 128 2.36e-36
nucleus Hs cellular component 128 2.36e-36
nucleoplasm Hs cellular component 128 2.36e-36
mitochondrion Hs cellular component 128 2.36e-36
mitochondrial inner membrane Hs cellular component 128 2.36e-36
mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex Hs cellular component 128 2.36e-36
mitochondrial matrix Hs cellular component 128 2.36e-36
hydrogen ion transmembrane transporter activity Hs molecular function 128 2.36e-36
membrane Hs cellular component 128 2.36e-36
integral component of membrane Hs cellular component 128 2.36e-36
ATPase activity Hs molecular function 128 2.36e-36
transmembrane transporter activity Hs molecular function 128 2.36e-36
myelin sheath Hs cellular component 128 2.36e-36
proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor F(o) Hs cellular component 128 2.36e-36
proton-transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism Hs molecular function 128 2.36e-36
extracellular exosome Hs cellular component 128 2.36e-36

GO (InterProScan)

3 results

GO Term Analysis Type e-value
mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor F(o) PANTHER cellular component 5.8E-57
hydrogen ion transmembrane transporter activity PANTHER molecular function 5.8E-57
ATP synthesis coupled proton transport PANTHER biological process 5.8E-57