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  1. Gene 'KH2012:KH.C3.123'

Gene Card

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Gateway full ORF

2 results


Plate: VES75_J24


Plate: VES83_F01

Gene collection 1 (N. Satoh)

1 result


Plate: R1CiGC09l19

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Regulatory Regions

Regulatory Regions

No result


Gene Phylogeny

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Gene Annotations


1 result

IPR Term Analysis Definition
CLEC16A/TT9_N Pfam CLEC16A/TT9, N-terminal


16 results

GO Term Annotation Origin Type
lysosome Orthology cellular component
lysosomal membrane Orthology cellular component
endosome Orthology cellular component
Golgi apparatus Orthology cellular component
cytosol Orthology cellular component
membrane Orthology cellular component
vesicle Orthology cellular component
cell communication Orthology biological process
cellular response to stress Orthology biological process
intracellular organelle part Orthology cellular component
whole membrane Orthology cellular component
bounding membrane of organelle Orthology cellular component
proteolysis Orthology biological process
organelle organization Orthology biological process
intracellular signal transduction Orthology biological process
positive regulation of signal transduction Orthology biological process

GO (Orthology)

15 results

GO Term SpeciesCe = Caenorhabditis elegans
Dr = Danio rerio
Dm = Drosophila melanogaster
Gg = Gallus gallus
Hs = Homo sapiens
Mm = Mus musculus
Sc = Saccharomyces cerevisiae
lysosome Hs cellular component
lysosomal membrane Hs cellular component
endosome Hs cellular component
Golgi apparatus Hs cellular component
cytosol Hs cellular component
autophagy Hs biological process
cellular response to starvation Hs biological process
endosome membrane Hs cellular component
membrane Hs cellular component
vesicle Hs cellular component
negative regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process Hs biological process
endolysosome membrane Hs cellular component
negative regulation of autophagosome maturation Hs biological process
positive regulation of autophagosome maturation Hs biological process
positive regulation of TORC1 signaling Hs biological process

GO (Blast)

9 results

GO Term SpeciesCe = Caenorhabditis elegans
Dr = Danio rerio
Dm = Drosophila melanogaster
Gg = Gallus gallus
Hs = Homo sapiens
Mm = Mus musculus
Sc = Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Type Score E-value
lysosome Hs cellular component 894 0.0
lysosomal membrane Hs cellular component 894 0.0
endosome Hs cellular component 894 0.0
Golgi apparatus Hs cellular component 894 0.0
cytosol Hs cellular component 894 0.0
endosome membrane Hs cellular component 894 0.0
membrane Hs cellular component 894 0.0
vesicle Hs cellular component 894 0.0
endolysosome membrane Hs cellular component 894 0.0

GO (InterProScan)

No result

GO Term Analysis Type e-value