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M.occidentalis, Stage 21 (mid tailbud I)

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Lateral view of a WT Molgula occidentalis mid tailbud embryo (dotted outline) probed for Vsx (green) and Mnx (pink) expressions. Vsx is expressed in A11.119 and A11.117 cell pairs.
Orignal annotation : Two-color fluorescent in situ hybridization reveals alternating expression of interneuron marker Vsx (green) in undifferentiated A11.119 interneuron progenitor cell and interneuon 2 (IN2) and motor neuron marker Mnx (magenta) in motor neurons 1 and 2 (MN1, MN2). Only one side of embryo is shown. Inset is a magnified view of dashed box.Scale bar = 25 µm

Stained molecule Moocci.CG.ELv1_2.S413272.g12398 (ALX4; VSX1; VSX2)
Stained region(s) lateral VG ependymal precursors - visceral ganglion -

Lateral view of a WT Molgula occidentalis mid tailbud embryo (dotted outline) probed for Mnx (pink) and Vsx (green) expressions. Mnx is expressed in A11.118 and A10.64 cell pairs.
Orignal annotation : Two-color fluorescent in situ hybridization reveals alternating expression of interneuron marker Vsx (green) in undifferentiated A11.119 interneuron progenitor cell and interneuon 2 (IN2) and motor neuron marker Mnx (magenta) in motor neurons 1 and 2 (MN1, MN2). Only one side of embryo is shown. Inset is a magnified view of dashed box.Scale bar = 25 µm

Stained molecule Moocci.CG.ELv1_2.S581361.g23190 (HOXC4; HOXC5; MNX1)
Stained region(s) lateral TNC ependymal precursors - lateral VG ependymal precursors -

M.occidentalis, Stage 21 (mid tailbud I)

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Dorso-lateral view of a WT Molgula occidentalis mid tailbud embryo probed for Mnx (green) and Islet (pink) expressions. Mnx is expressed in A11.118 and A10.64 cell pairs.
Orignal annotation : Two-color fluorescent in situ hybridization for Mnx (green) and MN2 marker Islet (magenta), revealing identities of MN1 (Mnx+/Islet-) and MN2 (Mnx+/Islet+) cells. Boxed area magnified in insets.
Anterior is to the left. Scale bar = 25 µm

Stained molecule Moocci.CG.ELv1_2.S581361.g23190 (HOXC4; HOXC5; MNX1)
Stained region(s) lateral TNC ependymal precursors - ventral VG ependymal precursors -

Dorso-lateral view of a WT Molgula occidentalis mid tailbud embryo probed for Islet (pink) and Mnx (green) expressions. Islet is expressed in A10.64 cell pair and in the notochord.

Stained molecule Moocci.CG.ELv1_2.S577250.g22857 (ISL1; ISL2; LHX5)
Stained region(s) lateral TNC ependymal precursors - notochord -

M.occidentalis, Stage 21 (mid tailbud I)

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Dorso-lateral view of a WT Molgula occidentalis mid tailbud embryo probed for Mnx (green) and Nk6 (magenta) expressions. Mnx is expressed in A11.118 and A10.64 cell parts (respectively motor neurons MN1 and MN2).
Orignal annotation : Two-color fluorescent in situ hybridization for Mnx (green) and MN1 marker Nk6 (magenta), confirming identities of MN1 (Mnx+/Nk6+) and MN2 (Mnx+/Nk6-).
Anterior is to the left. Boxed area magnified in inserts. Scale bar = 25 µm

Stained molecule Moocci.CG.ELv1_2.S581361.g23190 (HOXC4; HOXC5; MNX1)
Stained region(s) lateral TNC ependymal precursors - lateral VG ependymal precursors -

Dorso-lateral view of a WT Molgula occidentalis mid tailbud embryo probed for Mnx (green) and Nk6 (magenta) expressions. Nk6 is expressed in A11.118 cell pair (motor neuron MN1 ).
Orignal annotation : Two-color fluorescent in situ hybridization for Mnx (green) and MN1 marker Nk6 (magenta), confirming identities of MN1 (Mnx+/Nk6+) and MN2 (Mnx+/Nk6-).
Anterior is to the left. Boxed area magnified in inserts. Scale bar = 25 µm

Stained molecule Moocci.CG.ELv1_2.S573984.g22657 (NKX6-1; NKX6-2; NKX6-3)
Stained region(s) lateral VG ependymal precursors -

M.occidentalis, Stage 24 (late tailbud II)

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Dorsal view of the head of a WT Molgula occidentalis late tailbud embryo probed for Nk6 expression. Nk6 is observed in A11.118 cell pair (Motor neuron MN1).
Original annotation : Nk6 in situ hybridization (green) in late tailbud embryo, showing sharpened expression in MN1 cells on both sides of the motor ganglion (R = right side and L = left side)
Embryo is outlined by dotted lines. Anterior is to the left. Scale bar = 25 µm

Stained molecule Moocci.CG.ELv1_2.S581361.g23190 (HOXC4; HOXC5; MNX1)
Stained region(s) lateral VG ependymal cells -