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RNA-Seq transcriptome profiles (by Experiment)

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   Expression profile summary from all experiments in WT and mutant conditions:

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Be careful, FPKM & RPKM does not permit you to compare a gene across different conditions or experiments.

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   Expression profile summary from all experiments in WT and mutant conditions:
Relative Log Expression RLE

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RNA-Seq Experiment n°34137

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Oocytes of a single individual of Halocynthia roretzi (Aomori, Japan) were fertilized by sperms of an another single individual and development was followed microscopically. Embryos were snapfrozen in liquid nitrogen at the appropriate stage and kept at -80°C. Total RNA was prepared with the AGPC method and the quality was checked with the Bioanalyzer, most samples had a RIN value of higher than 9. Strand specific libraries were constructed and the sequencing (50PE) was performed with Illumina HiSeq 2000 technology (BGI, Hong Kong, China).

Assay platform Illumina HiSeq 2000
Layout Paired-end
Stranded Yes
Read length 49
Normalized data types
  • FPKM
  • RLE
Wild type - Replica 1
Territories whole embryo -
Biomaterial(s) H.roretzi, Stage 0 (Unfertilized egg)
H.roretzi, Stage 8 (64-cell)
H.roretzi, Stage 12 (mid gastrula)
H.roretzi, Stage 21 (mid tailbud I)
H.roretzi, Stage 26 (hatching larva)
Wild type - Replica 2
Territories whole embryo -
Biomaterial(s) H.roretzi, Stage 0 (Unfertilized egg)
H.roretzi, Stage 8 (64-cell)
H.roretzi, Stage 12 (mid gastrula)
H.roretzi, Stage 15 (mid neurula)
H.roretzi, Stage 21 (mid tailbud I)
H.roretzi, Stage 26 (hatching larva)

In Situ Experiment Data

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