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EST count

27 results

Library Name Percentage Expression
Ciona intestinalis whole animal Ciona intestinalis whole animal 0 clone(s) / 0
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library 0 clone(s) / 5,577
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, young adult Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, young adult 0 clone(s) / 31,366
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, cleavage stage embryo Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, cleavage stage embryo 0 clone(s) / 15,579
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, egg Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, egg 0 clone(s) / 31,100
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, larva Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, larva 0 clone(s) / 26,704
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, tailbud embryo Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, tailbud embryo 0 clone(s) / 26,680
directional larval cDNA library directional larval cDNA library 0 clone(s) / 39
Ascidian hemocytes cDNA library Ascidian hemocytes cDNA library 0 clone(s) / 0
K. Inaba unpublished cDNA library, testis K. Inaba unpublished cDNA library, testis 0 clone(s) / 5,468
Stratagene UniZAP whole-larva library Stratagene UniZAP whole-larva library 0 clone(s) / 0
Ciona intestinalis larva Ciona intestinalis larva 0 clone(s) / 0
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, blood cells Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, blood cells 0 clone(s) / 29,579
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, endostyle Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, endostyle 0 clone(s) / 2,556
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, cleaving embryo Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, cleaving embryo 0 clone(s) / 16,939
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, gastrula and neurula Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, gastrula and neurula 0 clone(s) / 25,258
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, gonad Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, gonad 0 clone(s) / 16,936
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, neural complex Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, neural complex 0 clone(s) / 10,463
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, heart Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, heart 0 clone(s) / 13,243
Yutaka Satou unpublished cDNA library, adult digestive gland Yutaka Satou unpublished cDNA library, adult digestive gland 0 clone(s) / 17,765
Yutaka Satou unpublished cDNA library, embryo whole animal Yutaka Satou unpublished cDNA library, embryo whole animal 0 clone(s) / 17,872
Yutaka Satou unpublished cDNA library, mature adult whole animal Yutaka Satou unpublished cDNA library, mature adult whole animal 0 clone(s) / 107,314
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, juvenile whole animal Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, juvenile whole animal 0 clone(s) / 24,372
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, mature adult whole animal Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, mature adult whole animal 0 clone(s) / 17,126
Ciona intestinalis whole animal stage3 juvenile Ciona intestinalis whole animal stage3 juvenile 0 clone(s) / 3,798
Yutaka Satou unpublished library (cicx) Yutaka Satou unpublished library (cicx) 0 clone(s) / 2,031
Gateway compatible cien cDNA library, Ciona intestinalis mixed embryonic stages (Egg to Neurula) Gateway compatible cien cDNA library, Ciona intestinalis mixed embryonic stages (Egg to Neurula) 0 clone(s) / 188,431

RNA-Seq transcriptome profiles (by Experiment)

1 result


   Expression profile summary from all experiments in WT and mutant conditions:

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Be careful, FPKM & RPKM does not permit you to compare a gene across different conditions or experiments.

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   Expression profile summary from all experiments in WT and mutant conditions:
Relative Log Expression RLE

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RNA-Seq Experiment n°34138

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Ciona robusta adults were obtained from the National Bio-Resource Project for Ciona (NBRP, Japan). 50 unperturbed and Foxd-morphant embryos were collected at the 32-, 64-, and 112-cell stages. RNA was extracted using a Dynabeads mRNA DIRECT Purification Kit (Thermo Fischer Scientific) and libraries were made with an Ion Total RNA-Seq kit ver 2 (Thermo Fischer Scientific). The libraries were sequenced with an Ion PGM instrument (Thermo Fischer Scientific).

Assay platform Ion Torrent PGM
Layout Single-end
Stranded Yes
Read length 20-365
Normalized data types
  • RPKM
Wild type
Territories whole embryo -
Biomaterial(s) C. robusta formely Ciona int. type A, Stage 6a (early 32-cell)
C. robusta formely Ciona int. type A, Stage 8 (64-cell)
C. robusta formely Ciona int. type A, Stage 10 (112-cell)
Deregulated molecule(s) KH2012:KH.C8.890 -
Territories whole embryo -
Biomaterial(s) C. robusta formely Ciona int. type A, Stage 6a (early 32-cell)
C. robusta formely Ciona int. type A, Stage 8 (64-cell)
C. robusta formely Ciona int. type A, Stage 10 (112-cell)

In Situ Experiment Data

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