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EST count

27 results

Library Name Percentage Expression
Ciona intestinalis whole animal Ciona intestinalis whole animal 0 clone(s) / 0
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library 0 clone(s) / 5,577
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, young adult Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, young adult 0 clone(s) / 31,366
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, cleavage stage embryo Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, cleavage stage embryo 0 clone(s) / 15,579
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, egg Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, egg 0 clone(s) / 31,100
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, larva Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, larva 0 clone(s) / 26,704
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, tailbud embryo Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, tailbud embryo 0 clone(s) / 26,680
directional larval cDNA library directional larval cDNA library 0 clone(s) / 39
Ascidian hemocytes cDNA library Ascidian hemocytes cDNA library 0 clone(s) / 0
K. Inaba unpublished cDNA library, testis K. Inaba unpublished cDNA library, testis 0 clone(s) / 5,468
Stratagene UniZAP whole-larva library Stratagene UniZAP whole-larva library 0 clone(s) / 0
Ciona intestinalis larva Ciona intestinalis larva 0 clone(s) / 0
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, blood cells Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, blood cells 0 clone(s) / 29,579
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, endostyle Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, endostyle 0 clone(s) / 2,556
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, cleaving embryo Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, cleaving embryo 0 clone(s) / 16,939
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, gastrula and neurula Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, gastrula and neurula 0 clone(s) / 25,258
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, gonad Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, gonad 0 clone(s) / 16,936
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, neural complex Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, neural complex 0 clone(s) / 10,463
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, heart Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, heart 0 clone(s) / 13,243
Yutaka Satou unpublished cDNA library, adult digestive gland Yutaka Satou unpublished cDNA library, adult digestive gland 0 clone(s) / 17,765
Yutaka Satou unpublished cDNA library, embryo whole animal Yutaka Satou unpublished cDNA library, embryo whole animal 0 clone(s) / 17,872
Yutaka Satou unpublished cDNA library, mature adult whole animal Yutaka Satou unpublished cDNA library, mature adult whole animal 1 clone(s) / 107,314
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, juvenile whole animal Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, juvenile whole animal 0 clone(s) / 24,372
Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, mature adult whole animal Nori Satoh unpublished cDNA library, mature adult whole animal 0 clone(s) / 17,126
Ciona intestinalis whole animal stage3 juvenile Ciona intestinalis whole animal stage3 juvenile 0 clone(s) / 3,798
Yutaka Satou unpublished library (cicx) Yutaka Satou unpublished library (cicx) 0 clone(s) / 2,031
Gateway compatible cien cDNA library, Ciona intestinalis mixed embryonic stages (Egg to Neurula) Gateway compatible cien cDNA library, Ciona intestinalis mixed embryonic stages (Egg to Neurula) 0 clone(s) / 188,431

RNA-Seq transcriptome profiles (by Experiment)

1 result


   Expression profile summary from all experiments in WT and mutant conditions:

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Be careful, FPKM & RPKM does not permit you to compare a gene across different conditions or experiments.

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   Expression profile summary from all experiments in WT and mutant conditions:
Relative Log Expression RLE

Be careful, RLE and 2RLE does not permit you to compare a gene across different experiments.

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RNA-Seq Experiment n°34139

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The purpose of this project is to identify genes positively and negatively regulated by signaling molecules that belongs to the TGFbeta superfamily.

Assay platform Illumina HiSeq 2500
Layout Single-end
Stranded Yes
Read length 101
Normalized data types
  • RPKM
Wild type
Territories whole embryo -
Biomaterial(s) C. robusta formely Ciona int. type A, Stage 13 (late gastrula)
Mutant 1
Deregulated molecule(s) KH2012:KH.C4.125 -
Territories whole embryo -
Biomaterial(s) C. robusta formely Ciona int. type A, Stage 13 (late gastrula)
Mutant 2
Deregulated molecule(s) KH2012:KH.C2.573 -
Territories whole embryo -
Biomaterial(s) C. robusta formely Ciona int. type A, Stage 13 (late gastrula)

In Situ Experiment Data

3 results

Experiment data ( results)

C. robusta formely Ciona int. type A, Stage 26 (hatching larva)

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Lateral view of a larva stage wild type embryo probed for Ci-Hox2 expression. Expression was detected only at this stage in the trunk lateral cells (tlc, trunk lateral cells).

Stained molecule KH2012:KH.C1.1098 (HOXA2; HOXB2; HOXD3)
Stained region(s) trunk lateral cells (A7.6 line) -

C. robusta formely Ciona int. type A, Stage 48 (young adult)

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The blue stains (asterisks) in the stomach are nonspecific stains of intestinal inclusions (en endostyle, esp esophagus, int intestine, st stomach). Bars 100 μm
In the protruding structures of the pharyngeal esophagus junction (white arrowheads ventral side, gray arrowheads dorsal side, black arrowheads distal side), Hox2 expression is not observed.
“In the endostyle Hox 2 is expressed. For each gene, expression in the posterior region is stronger than the anterior region and the strongest signal was detected in the posterior terminus (white arrowheads).”

Stained molecule KH2012:KH.C1.1098 (HOXA2; HOXB2; HOXD3)
Stained region(s)

C. robusta formely Ciona int. type A, Stage 48 (young adult)

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Expression domains are indicated by colored arrowheads: brown endostyle, purple esophagus, blue retropharyngeal band, green right epicardium, orange left side of left epicardium, red right side of left epicardium. Bar 100 μm
Expression was assessed from the left (a–d), right (e–h), anteroventral (i–l) and opposite views of the oral siphon (m–p). Expression was also assessed by using frontally sectioned specimens (q–t).
“No Hox2 expression was detected in either the retropharyngeal band or epicardium (Fig. 3b, f, j, n, r).”

Stained molecule KH2012:KH.C1.1098 (HOXA2; HOXB2; HOXD3)
Stained region(s) No expression -